Transfer Station
Who can use the Transfer Station?
The Transfer Station is open to licensed haulers, residents and businesses of the RASWC service area for solid waste disposal.
What does the Transfer Station accept?
Acceptable waste includes household and commercial garbage, construction and roofing debris, furniture, mattresses, and some electronics.
What does the Transfer Station NOT accept?
The Transfer Station does not accept free flowing liquids of any kind, hazardous waste, or yard waste. Click here for more information on yard waste. Latex paint must be dry for disposal in the Transfer Station. There is also a list of specific items that may be brought to the Transfer Station, but must be received by the office and fees may apply. See the chart below.
How much does it cost?
Waste disposal costs $82.50/ton, with a minimum charge of $10.00 for 200 pounds or less of solid waste.
Where does my garbage go?
Once the garbage has been unloaded in the Transfer Station, it is loaded onto transfer trailers and hauled to South Central Iowa Solid Waste Agency Landfill in Marion County by RASWC staff.
Can I take waste to SCISWA myself?
All direct-haul loads of solid waste must be pre-approved by the RASWC office. Approved loads will be charged at a rate of $65.00/ton by RASWC, un-approved loads may be turned away by SCISWA. For more information or approval, contact us.

This map illustrates how to use the Transfer Station facility. Please visit or call the RASWC office with any questions.

Where the Solid Waste Goes?
Your garbage is picked up by your garbage hauler, and once the waste is collected at the local transfer station, it is hauled to the South Central Iowa Solid Waste Agency in Tracy Iowa.

Item Specific Disposal Guide
In order to provide environmentally responsible disposal services, RASWC must pay fees to licensed disposal contractors to discard of many types of waste. Unfortunately, these costs are not easily absorbed and at least a portion must be passed on to area residents. The items listed at the right should be brought to the RASWC Office for proper disposal. We make every effort to keep fees as low as possible. For more information or questions, contact us.
Appliances | $10.00 |
Cell Phones | no cost |
Computer Monitors | $10.00 |
Compact Fluorescent bulbs | no cost |
Compact Fluorescent bulbs | no cost |
Confidential Documents for Destruction | $.20/lb $5.00 min |
Mercury Thermostats | no cost |
Motor Oil | no cost |
Printer Cartridges | no cost |
Rechargeable Batteries (Ni-Cd) | no cost |
Television | $10.00 |
Tires (car) | $4.50 |
Tire (on rim) | + $1.50 ea |
Tires (semi) | $15.00 |
Tires (tractor) | $19.00 & up |